by Alan Bradley
Series: Flavia de Luce #5 Another Flavia novel wherein Flavia does things that interfere with the investigation that would be very annoying in someone who wasn't eleven. Maybe more mystery authors with amateur sleuths should make them children. Anyway, they're planning to open a saint's tomb but...
Another fun read is this book #5 in the Flavia de Luce series. Don't want to spoil anything, but when you reach the final page... let's just say I'm glad book #6 was on my shelf ready to open!
This was my favorite Flavia book yet! I've found this series to be an absolute delight. To call Flavia precocious is an understatement, and one I'm sure she'd take with a heavy dose of resentment. Bradley does an excellent job of writing her character and letting the reader see the world through her...
My favorite so far! I was going to rate it with 4 stars, but the interactions with the sisters and that OHMYGOD cliffhanger at the end (although I had been waiting for it for a while) made me give it a solid 5.