Title: Spider-Gwen: Most Wanted? Volume 0Author: Jason LatourArtist: Robbi Rodriguez Genre: Action / Superheroes / Drama / Crime / Music Year Published: 2015 Year Read: 11/11/2017Publisher: Marvel Comics Series: Spider-Gwen #0Source: PurchasedContent Rating: Ages 15+ (Some Language and Violence...
I like the art, and there's some clever writing, but this may actually be a bit heavier than what I'm looking for right now.
Because I couldn't find a good Marvel flail GIF. Oh my god, guys! This! First of all, her costume is awesome: it's very Spider-like, but not a copy of Spider-Man's, it's sleek, it's classy, and it covers her all. And while this series is drawn in a stylistic manner, it's also not the sexual-...