by Donna Jo Napoli, Richard Tchen
I really liked this fairy tale retelling of the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale because its tells about howRumpelstiltskin became Rumpelstiltskin. He wasn't always a deformed little man who just spun straw into gold and tried to take the Queen's baby. In this story Rumpelstiltskin, is known throughout th...
1.5 starsI appreciated the attempt to update the Rumplestiltskin tale, but it was dark and ugly and twisted, with some disturbing scenes and undertones. The writing was nothing spectacular, no humor or wit, the characters were so-so and overall not one I would recommend at all.
I expected something...different than I got with this book. I enjoyed the descriptions of the various yarns Saskia creates, and I felt that the authors did a good amount of research regarding spinning. I also found some of the twists they put into the story to be interesting. However, there were a f...