by Kate Bolick
This was not quite the book I thought it was going to be. That's not to say it isn't good; it's left me with much to think about, but ultimately I was hoping for something slightly different. Based on the title and summary, I was expecting a book about a woman who made the conscious choice to liv...
Spinster: Making a Life of One's Own by Kate Bolick is not actually a book about spinsterhood. This book is a memoir not a sociological look at women choosing the unmarried life. If you read it, read the final chapter first because the author offers her own definition of spinster. That definition ma...
To be honest, I got through about 10% of this book and try as I may, I just couldn't get back to it. I read like ten other books instead. Then, I decided, okay I will give it one more chance reading, okay skimming a LOT, the next 20% and I still could not get into it. I seriously thought this was go...
Rather than a polemic about the values of being on one's own, Bolick combines her own experiences with those biographies of the women whose career's she admires (and features heavily them being 'spinsters'). It lacks a firm resolution, but at the same time leaves Bolick's life open in ways that her ...