Sadly the awesome premise didn't really deliver what I hoped. Full review on Bibliodaze.
Few things about this book.1. It is obviously a collection of retold classic fairy tales with a queer twist.2. Yes buddy, You heard me right! With a queer twist. So don't expect to see Sleeping Beauty waiting for handsome Prince Charming to rescue. 3. Mature scenes are visible in some stories. Yeah,...
Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley. Okay, this isn’t the type of thing I normally pick up. It isn’t because of the fairy tale motif; I mean really have you seen my shelves? It’s more that erotica or whatever you want to call featuring same gender partners really doesn’t do it for me. My...
Pretty good considering. Any time I get to read an anthology or collection where half to 3/4 of the compiled stories I like is a sheer miracle! This one fits the bill so 4 stars! A fun and delightful weekend read! :3