I know I will take alot of flack for this review but I'm just not a YA genre fan I guess. This book felt like Twilight without the vampires and werewolves and Fifty Shades without all the money. The entire time I was reading this book all I could think was "ya right". This book was so farfetched ...
I love this book! Hotter dads is beyond hot, it burns!!! *fans myself* It made me so hot i had to dive in the book and read it again!!
I've never been happier to finish an anthology on anything in my life, partially because this book took me on such a whirlwind of emotional turns that I feel like I need to review it just to say that I survived it. *proudly attaches "I survived an Adult Zombie Romance book" button to her breast pock...
This book is f***ing amazing!I am trying very hard not to cry right now...I miss my baby and I will suffer anything to get him back - I don't know why I'm writing this right now, but I miss him so freaking much...The book is still amazing - my heart was jumping up and down and it was even better tha...