Hi everybody and welcome to my author page. I hope you enjoy my writing and views of life. Well where do I begin? At the beginning? OK here goes. I am 61 years old and find the years passing so quickly now. I wish I could touch the brakes on life just a little. I was born in Hackney, London, UK...
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Hi everybody and welcome to my author page. I hope you enjoy my writing and views of life. Well where do I begin? At the beginning? OK here goes. I am 61 years old and find the years passing so quickly now. I wish I could touch the brakes on life just a little. I was born in Hackney, London, UK back in 1953 but spent most of my early life in Walthamstow, London. In 1964 my family moved to Bishops Stortford in Hertfordshire, UK. I consider Bishops Stortford to be my hometown as I spent my formative years there especially during those heady days of the 1960s. Revolution was in the air and in my head as Woodstock, Vietnam, and the greats of rock like The Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, The Who and Pink Floyd amongst others rolled across the stage of my life. I made it to Grammar school too in Newport Essex where I discovered a love of writing although it was to lay dormant after that for many years. I married my first wife Ruth in 1982, my second wife Lorraine in 1988 both in Bishops Stortford. After various jobs mostly in the plastics industry I took voluntary redundancy in 2008 and briefly moved to the Seychelles to live with Sandra, an American lady but the life there wasn't for me. Earlier that year I self-published my first novel, LOVE SEX AND TIME TRAVEL. I had also started blogging, firstly on AOL Hometown (now long gone) and then on WordPress. I had also started writing poetry. My inspiration came from Thomas Hardy and Jack Kerouac amongst others. Then in 2009 I met my Raven who became my third wife in January 2012. I lived with her in Columbus, Ohio, USA for two six month spells in 2010 and 2011 where I self-published my second book, an anthology of poetry and musings entitled UNTIL THE END OF TIME. My name for Raven came from a poem I wrote to her called Ravens Wing Black. We are currently living back in Columbus, Ohio although we plan to move on to Florida, hopefully later this year. I self-published my third book which is my second novel last year in 2012 entitled THE SEER OF ALBION. Earlier last year (2013) I underwent a serious operation for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm which I am still recovering from with lots of support from my Raven.
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