Although I read the whole collection it is the title story that intrigues me most with "In the Penal Colony" a close second. Kafka writes very strange tales. Tales that barely make sense on an intellectual level but work at a more instinctive and emotional level. "The Metamorphosis" could be a metap...
So dense, so lush... exquisite. Mann was a genius. And to all those moral apostles pointing their finger at him through the bars of their cages of social normality - please don't judge. Judging art is like judging humanity, because art is the only form left for the soul to express itself in a world ...
I understand the meaning behind the story, but that doesn't mean I have to like how it ended, which I don't. Sort of depressing really.
As a freshman in high school, I took Brit Lit this year. We read A Tale of Two Cities and Lord of the Flies over the summer, and I absolutely could not stand (or understand) ATTC, and LOTF was not much better. We started off the year with Beowulf, which was decent but a little to predictable for my ...
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