Stanley Fish
Birth date: April 19, 1938
Stanley Fish's Books
I don't really read many books on writing. Some who have read my work might say it shows. Touche. I've just found very few books on writing that are actually engaging and interesting. Frankly, they bore me. Besides that, they actually keep me from writing. So why did I pick this one up, you might as...
Fish is the same obnoxious, pompous ass intellectual he's always been but he does have some interesting and entertaining things to say about the appreciation and craft of writing in this book.
I dreamed I read this book in my Maidenform bra, and what a nightmare it was.
The trouble with the study of sentences is that, with the exception of aphorisms and such like, the subjects being studied do not live in isolation. Fish himself compares great sentences to great sports plays, sometimes they can be plucked from a text (or game) and admired as a great feat. "What a p...
Three and a half stars. Fish addresses three aspects of sentences; form, style, and content. He also sort of divides the book into writing sentences and reading sentences. I really enjoyed the early part, the focus on writing and form. He offers several simple yet useful writing exercises. He ar...