Stanley Kunitz
Birth date: July 29, 1905
Died: May 14, 2006
Stanley Kunitz's Books
Anna Akhmatova (1889 - 1966) lived through the worst years of the 20th century in one of the worst locations in which to be a poet unwilling to play the role of a trained parrot for the ruthless and murderous apes running the country. Born in Odessa, she grew up in the small town just outside of St....
Kunitz in old age is a force of nature, a conduit for purity of language. The only (minor) jarring note in here is a bit of dialogue toward the end where the interviewer comes too much to the fore. The meditations on gardening, on process, on dying and living and love are nearly as lovely as the poe...
Books Read in the Past:Greece.This is the best of Broumas's poetry, though I imagine Adrienne Rich would find in its tightness a certain distance of the self. Broumas's later volumes range from structurally loose to experimental, some seeming to be more focused on the sounds of the poems while other...