by Vonda N. McIntyre
As movie novelisations go, I think Vonda McIntyre does a good job. She is able to flesh out what was seen onscreen, which is a requirement for a good movie to book adaptation. Many simply write only what was onscreen, and I find this rarely hits the mark with me. This one was certainly better than a...
*3 Stars* -though this is one of fav movies in the franchise*The Gush...and the Rant too apparently* I finished this days ago and have moved on to other books, so this will not be very extensive. I found the book...adequate. I really thought I'd enjoy it because it is one of my favorite movies but I...
[These notes were made in 1984:]. Based on the screenplay by Harvé Bennett. I read this after I saw the movie, so, as with STII, I had the experience of the story being added to, not stripped away. McIntyre has a way with these ST characters, and the details she adds tend to be both convincing and...