Star Trek: The Original Series: From History's Shadow
An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series!Set in the Original Series universe, this standalone story utilizes 1950s UFO paranoia, the Cold War, and the escalating “space race” of the 1960s as a backdrop for a Star Trek tale in a vein similar to that of the New York...
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An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series!Set in the Original Series universe, this standalone story utilizes 1950s UFO paranoia, the Cold War, and the escalating “space race” of the 1960s as a backdrop for a Star Trek tale in a vein similar to that of the New York Times bestselling Eugenics Wars duology.™, ®, & © 2013 CBS Studios, Inc. ST
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9781476719016 (1476719012)
Publisher: Pocket Books/Star Trek
Pages no: 400
Edition language: English
Series: Star Trek: The Original Series 3