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Star Wars: Darth Plagueis - James Luceno, Daniel Davis
Star Wars: Darth Plagueis
by: (author) (author)
Format: audiobook
ISBN: 9780307969255 (0307969258)
Publisher: Books on Tape
Edition language: English
Series: Star Wars
Community Reviews
Darth Pedant
Darth Pedant rated it
3.5 Darth Plagueis
On the one hand, this book is an excellent companion to the prequel trilogy of films and I’m a little sad it’s no longer canon. On the other hand, this novel is so bloated with Extended Universe references that it’s a perfect example of why The Powers That Be decided wiping that particular slate cle...
Carpe Librum
Carpe Librum rated it
3.5 Darth Plagueis by James Luceno
Who can resist the inside scoop on the mysterious Darth Plagueis whose story is used to help tip Anikan toward the dark side? Well, not me. I was eager to learn more about this Sith who had supposedly controlled life and death though had not been able to avoid his own. I must agree with other revi...
Bücherchaos rated it
3.0 Star Wars - Wieder ein Buch mit viel Hintergrundinfo
Ein Beben erschüttert den Planeten. Titel: Star Wars - Darth Plagueis Autor: James Luceno Seiten:576 Buchart : TB Verlag: Blanvalet Bestellcode: 978-3-442-38045-9 Erhältlich 11 / 2012 Kosten : €13,oo Alter: - Genre: Sciene Fiction , Space Opera Vorgängerbände: -Folgebände: - Verfilmu...
Libromancer's Apprentice
Libromancer's Apprentice rated it
4.0 this book exists to set up the entire prequel trilogy
and does a pretty good job, though part of it felt almost like a check list of things to explain (and ways to work in the titles of episodes 1-3). that aside, quite enjoyable book slight spoiler below: star wars canon vs 'legends' aside - the book pretty much confirms the ...
IntheZone rated it
3.0 Darth Plagueis
A decent read in very familiar territory. Interesting to read the back story on the Emperor.
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