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Stay Close - Harlan Coben
Stay Close
by: (author)
Harlan Coben,Hardcover - Large Prin, English-language edition,Pub by Gale Cengage Learning
Harlan Coben,Hardcover - Large Prin, English-language edition,Pub by Gale Cengage Learning
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9781410446329 (1410446328)
Publisher: Thorndike Press
Pages no: 535
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
XOX rated it
4.0 A serial killer in hiding and the witness disappeared
At least this is what I thought when persons who disappeared started to show up, and have two sadists torturing people just to find these formerly disappeared persons. A mystery sort of book without the investigator to navigate and lead you through the plot. So even with 30% in, things are happen...
It's a Mad Mad World
It's a Mad Mad World rated it
3.0 Stanna hos mig
Well in the end not a bad book, but not as good as I’m used to when it comes to Coben. Usually there is a lot of twist and turns and you really can’t trust anyone, but this book it was all too easy straight through. Not enough red herrings. And Ken and Barbie? Christ, a psycho couple, how many times...
Sarah's Library
Sarah's Library rated it
4.0 Stay Close by Harlen Coben
Good, solid mystery with a message. I was hoping for a bit more of a scare, but despite the lack of scares it was exciting. I had no idea how it was going to end or who the killer would end up being. This is the first Coben book I've read, so I have nothing to compare it with, but if this is compara...
The Girl who Reads
The Girl who Reads rated it
5.0 Stay Close
Totally stunning!!... I just cant seem to love his books enough!!
Bloggabook rated it
4.0 Stay Close
Great murder mystery with a collection of damaged characters. Didn't see the end coming until the end. Great read.
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