by 'Mike Allen', 'N.K. Jemisin', 'Matthew Kressel', 'Shira Lipkin', 'Rachel Manija Brown', 'Sara M. Harvey', 'Meredith Holmes', 'Georgina Bruce', 'Beth Wodzinski'
N. K. Jemisin's story "The Effluent Engines" is everything this collection says it wants to be: lesbian and steampunk and a pushback against the Victorian kyriarchy and a really good story. It was also posted on the author's website as part of A Story for Haiti and is well worth reading.None of the...
There are a handful of stand-out stories that I think make this collection worth checking out from the library, but overall I was disappointed. Too many of the stories were just plain badly written--and badly edited. A firmer editorial hand could easily have bumped most of the stories up to at least...
OK, I got this book pretty much expecting a good N.K. Jemisin story and some cheesy-but-hopefully-fun erotica.It significantly exceeded my expectations. Although only a couple of the stories are sexually explicit, all but a couple of them are well above the literary quality I would expect from an an...