It was told in a roundabout way that I didn't quite get at first. The confusion soon lifted: this issue was devoted to what loving Murdock can do, and Matt's guilt about his ex-girlfriends who tend to be either dead now or mad. It was actually more enjoyable than the first issue on that level...
This series continues to be spectacular. I read this a month ago, while I was crazy busy with classes, but it's pretty much Punisher and Black Widow against the world which I needed more than I knew!
And to be quite, well, frank, I didn't see that ending coming. I don't think anyone realized he was going after Hydra, though. So the dynamics changed at the end. The first part of this comic is Iron Punisher going after Baron Zemo, and the rest is Zemo vs. Punisher vs. Avengers (or former Ave...
Every superhero in NYC wants him, too. Captain Marvel is in town to get her dead boyfriend's armor back, while no one else is willing to forgive him for joining up with Hydra. (I mean, they gave him the okay to murder criminals and have it be state sanctioned; his whole schtick is murdering crim...
Nur. And he brings along news of a villain who's escaped, slaughtering his way out of a deep, dark hole in an Attilan prison to wreak havoc on New York City once again. And it's Daredevil and his allies who will have to deal with this along with the Inhumans. While they might not be working di...
Daredevil and Kingpin up their games: that chase throughout the city? Just amazing! And that offer at the end. I can't wait to see how things are going to turn out, especially since Daredevil seems to be unable to come out and play again for the time being.
Same author - yes! - but new artist. Landini isn't bad, by far, but I'd really been jamming on Garney's art, so I was a bit bummed that there was an artist switch. Still, the coloring is the same, which helps this feels more like the previous art, and I can see myself easily getting swept away b...