What thing from merciful heavens happened here? The gif speaks for itself. My emotion is on whirlwind that I don't really know what to do. I wept after reading it and I went to bed still weeping over it and when I woke up I remember I've read this and wept all over again. I never really thought that...
One of my favorite books!! FREAKING AMAZING!!
I started this book at 10 at night, absolutely sure that I would read one chapter then go to bed. That did not happen. What to know what happen? The first chapter hooked me in, that I stayed up reading till 1:30 am, with tears running down my face. This book has ensnared me in so many ways. Ever...
I have read and loved Stefne Miller's previous books, Salvaged and Rise, but there is no doubt in my mind that this is her best yet. Collision made me laugh, cry, scream, and rejoice. It has earned the honor of being on my favorites shelf and I know I will reread this one many times in the future...
I am in awe of Stefne Miller. I read her first book, Salvaged, last year and I fell in love with Attie, Riley, Pops, Marme, and everyone else. When I found out there was going to be a sequel I was skeptical, like always. I wasn't sure the story could live up to the first but within the first few ...