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The emperor is dead…long live the emperor! The fervent hope of the victorious rebels and the survivors of the uprising that liberated the City from tyranny is that the accession of Archange to the imperial throne will usher in a new era of freedom, peace and stability. If only that were so... As ...
I think the best way to describe this book is epic. It was truly epic. I know fantasy is usually epic, but here the word gets it's true meaning. The story is deep and feels complex. It's fascinating, and the world building and story telling was awesome.It's about a an empire on feet of clay. A city ...
My full review can be found here:
Troy: Fall of Kings is one of those books that leaves you both in awe of its brilliance and perplexed by its obvious flaws. The good points of this book are many. Gemmell and his wife (Who I understand finished said book after her husband’s death.) continued the series’ trend of creating realisti...
So sad to finish this series, probably one of the reasons why it took me so darned long to read the 3rd book! I'll be reading more David Gemmell in future.