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I had to think on this book for a while before I wrote this as it is very much a multi-layered book. There is the plot, the things that happen. However these things are not as important as the way the characters perceive them and feel about them; Bishop's writing is such that you get a front row sea...
This book had quite a profound effect on me. It’s the story of a married couple, Charlotte and Henry, who are living in England in the 1960’s. Charlotte is an artist, but when she begins to have children, she goes through a depressed period and has difficulty painting or dealing with life as a mo...
Publisher: Tinder Press, August 13th 2015 (hardback edition) ISBN: 978-1472230614 Source: Review copy from publisher Rating: 5* Synopsis: Cambridge 1963. Charlotte struggles to reconnect with the woman she was before children, and to find the time and energy to paint. Her husband, Henry, can...
It is the harsh winter of 1962/3, Henry and Charlotte are struggling in a poky, damp cottage near Cambridge. They have a sick baby with another expected soon. Henry (a British Indian) hates the cold and wants to emigrate to Australia to get some heat back in his bones but Charlotte doesn't want to g...