Growing up, my friends bestowed upon me the most flattering of nicknames which roughly translated into "sea elephant." Guess you can imagine I wasn't a graceful, lithe gazelle. In fact, much of the first thirty years of my life was spent somewhere in the spectrum from fat to chubby, with a...
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Growing up, my friends bestowed upon me the most flattering of nicknames which roughly translated into "sea elephant." Guess you can imagine I wasn't a graceful, lithe gazelle. In fact, much of the first thirty years of my life was spent somewhere in the spectrum from fat to chubby, with a definite dose of unhealthy served up with a side of sugar addiction. Food literally ran my life--and not in the sense of eating for survival.I've counted points and blocks and calories, worried to the point of paralysis about fat grams and felt at odds with food for what felt like eternity until January 2010. It was the 10th of January to be exact. That was the day I went Paleo and got my life back. Food went from the enemy to my lifeblood, my nourishment and my joy--and not in the sense of a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts joy. No, finally I found freedom from the self-loathing and the sugar addiction, the crazy blood sugar swings and the fat gain. I had energy to pour into training for mountain biking and CrossFit. I found a new relationship with food. I felt alive for the first time in years.Everything in my gut told me I had to helps others learn to do the same, so I started Stupid Easy Paleo to do just that. I want you to be happy, healthy and harder to kill--because, you know, zombies. At the very least, if the zombies never come, you'll find freedom and peace of mind, too. Want to find your peace of mind and use Paleo to perform at your sports and life? Pick up a Kindle copy of my ebook, "The Paleo Athlete" and pre-order my upcoming print book, "The Performance Paleo Cookbook", hitting shelves in January 2015!
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