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"Merde" racconta le vicende di Paul West, uomo d'affari inglese, mandato a Parigi per aprire una "tea room". Paul da inglese doc si ritroverà ben presto vittima della pazza cultura francese e dovrà affrontare situazioni sempre più assurde che lo spingeranno volente o nolente ad adeguarsi alla vita p...
Could anything be more fun? Someone wrote in their review for 1000 years of annoying the French that you don't need to be British or hate the French in order to like this book. I totally agree. I enjoyed it, being Dutch, because I also always like the way British and French people mock each other....
I had high hopes for entertainment when I got this book, even though the colleague who lent it to me warned me that it might be a bit shallow. I like good-natured fun between European nationalities and there was, at times, just the right amount of facetiousness and snarky remarks to make me giggle, ...
Makes his French colleagues sound simultaneously unmotivated and immoral, but the book is mostly about his cavalier self, I mean his main character. Ok, he's sometimes serious about building tea cafes in Paris, but the main character seems to be altogether in his moral element among the French, whic...
Strapline : The English Channel may be only twenty miles wide but it's a thousand years deep.After the also-ran entries on the cards this week at last a reprieve - can't go wrong with this one. You could be forgiven in thinking this must be a zenophobic rant given the title but it is more a gentle j...