To tell you a little about myself, I've been there, done that, and tried not to get run over or shot. I'm big on travel, having made it to four continents, 18 countries (two of which involved a war), and I'm always going to more. I earned my Bachelor's and Master's in Political Science at the...
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To tell you a little about myself, I've been there, done that, and tried not to get run over or shot. I'm big on travel, having made it to four continents, 18 countries (two of which involved a war), and I'm always going to more. I earned my Bachelor's and Master's in Political Science at the University of Memphis. Being a Memphian means there's a certain amount of dirty you can never scrub off your soul, no matter how much you try.My greatest literary inspiration was Lord John Julius Norwich, who changed my life forever when I read his Byzantium trilogy as a teenager. His writing was so brilliant, and the subject matter so inspiring, that I've been a Byzantophile ever since, and it has shaped everything involving my brain. When I got the pleasure of sending him a copy of To Save A Life, my already large ego expanded exponentially. Here I was, a new author, and my literary hero said he wanted to read my book!I enjoy good history books, political commentary, and good fiction. I make my own wine, smoke the hookah, and believe you should never trust someone with no vices.I once drank liquor out of a hobo's jacket in Transylvania and Red Bull from a Turkish cabbie. I've lived.
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