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It's been a few days since I finished this book so I've had a little time to reflect on it.I picked this book up in the library mainly because I liked the art on the cover. I read what the jacket had to say about it and figured it'd be pretty interesting. It was a very quick read--the chapters were ...
The sparse, almost simplistic, prose makes this novel go by quickly to a reader, especially when the reader gets involved with the main characters. Three people, Jonas (a refugee who leaves his war-torn country after American military action against his village), Christopher (an American solider inv...
Jonas – Younis – is a teenager whose life changes irrevocably when his village is blown to smithereens in an attack on insurgents. A call of nature has saved his life, and he runs and hides in the mountains. Unbeknownst to him though, he’s followed by a soldier.Christopher Henderson knows in his gut...
Powells Books Indiespensable #32Amazing!