I have to talk a little about the design of this book! It’s freaking awesome! The cover is black with yellow accents, look a little closer and we get these shiny outlines of tetris blocks, Slimer from the Ghostbusters, Homer Simpson and many more cool geeky icons. Take off the dust jacket and yowz...
I only got 23 pages into the book + a full-book-skimming before giving up. I couldn't figure out who the intended audience was (it's not me, though) - was this written for people who are confused by geeks and nerds and want to know why they quote the things they quote? Was it written as a geek refle...
It's great to win a book that was already on my to-read list. I love this book. I think this book is only for geeks because it doesn't explain everything it mentions. I love the way it goes across fandoms. It has science fiction and fantasy, Star Wars and Star Trek, Steampunk and Science, something ...
I gor an Advance Readers Copy of this to review for Amazon Vine. The review is here: http://www.amazon.com/review/R8VE6V1XKBQ7/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm