Revenge is a collection of 11 short stories that only one word could describe best--weird. Although each individual piece tells a different story told from the perspective of a different person (and can pretty much stand on its own), you'd really soon find out that all of these pieces are connected ...
Revenge is filled with the muted supernaturalism that is typical of the Japanese horror genre. Subtly executed and mysterious, each of the eleven tales are linked by character, theme and events creating a tangled web of relationships that you can almost begin to anticipate, but tend to surprise you ...
Yoko Ogawa has made a name for herself as a writer who can unsettle her readers with her precise, detailed, impassive prose. Two of her previously published books, [b:Hotel Iris: A Novel|6713015|Hotel Iris|Yoko Ogawa||1608113] and [b:The Diving Poo...
Read my full review @ opinion: I have always loved Japanese horror films and have found them to go beyond the realm of the human psyche in playing with one's mind. I have been finding in my expansion into Japanese mystery and horror literature. It is always very different and ...
The way Yoko Ogawa weaves the characters and situations together is amazing, and I love the way the novel turned full circle. Its cerebral, literary, floating. Every character was well defined and interesting--a woman with a heart outside her body, a curator of a museum entirely of torture devices, ...