Steve Gerber
Birth date: September 20, 1947
Died: February 10, 2008
Steve Gerber's Books
All set up. All boring. No, thank you!
DNF... It was okay at first, but just continued on without a whole lot of a clear story line.. Got bored.
Um, wow. I was expecting very, very little from these Countdown to Final Crisis companion series, largely because Countdown itself was such a dissappointment. But Countdown to Mystery is actually quite a bit better than Countdown itself had been. In fact, it's actually very good. The helm of Doctor ...
If you've never met cigar-chomping, wise-cracking, sex-appeal-oozing, three-foot-two-high Howard and his beautiful rock singer/artist's model girlfriend Beverley, then you need to buy this book. Of course, if you have met them, then you need to buy it even more. And, if there's anyone I've left out,...