Steven-Elliot Altman is a bestselling author, screenwriter, graphic novelist and video game designer. His games include Acclaim's multiple award-winning title 9DRAGONS and Wooga's facebook sensation PEARL'S PERIL. Steve's novels include CAPTAIN AMERICA IS DEAD, ZEN IN THE ART OF SLAYING VAMPIRES,...
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Steven-Elliot Altman is a bestselling author, screenwriter, graphic novelist and video game designer. His games include Acclaim's multiple award-winning title 9DRAGONS and Wooga's facebook sensation PEARL'S PERIL. Steve's novels include CAPTAIN AMERICA IS DEAD, ZEN IN THE ART OF SLAYING VAMPIRES, BATMAN: FEAR ITSELF, THE KILLSWITCH REVIEW, THE IRREGULARS and DEPRIVERS. He's also the editor of the critically-acclaimed anthology THE TOUCH and a contributor to SHADOWS OVER BAKER STREET, a Hugo Award Winning anthology of Sherlock Holmes Stories. Steve's also the current Vice-Chairman of the steering committee of the Writers Guild of America's Video Game Division.
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