A quirky little reference/trivia books concerning many things book related. Mostly lists; many useful, many filler (authors listed by the University they went to, for example). It was fun to browse through will occasionally be useful, although by its nature it will quickly become outdated. Still...
Buchbegeisterung findet sich auf Schritt und Tritt - in Lesezirkeln, Buchrezensionen, auf literarischen Webseiten, in Buchhandlungen, in Buchgemeinschaften, Bibliotheken, bei Bibliophilen, Bücherwürmern und gewöhnlichen Lesern. Trotz all der neuen, sich gegenseitig konkurrierenden Medien am angeblic...
Great quotes about reading. I found I could only read a few pages at a time before getting restless. I couldn't help but skip over some of the sections (Mysteries, Collecting) for lack of interest in the topic.