I really enjoy the Millennium Series and The Girl Who Lived Twice, in my opinion, lives up to the Stieg Larsson story that he started. The Millenium Series follows Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Bloomquist, two people from different ends of all spectrums but always manage to find pain and trouble. L...
Read: April 2011 Enter, the recently disgraced financial journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, who has just been convicted of libeling a heavyweight financier, Hans-Erik Wennerström, and faces a hefty sum and three months in the slammers at Rullåker. His rapidly deteriorating career begins to turn around ...
The books comprising the ‘Millennium Trilogy’ have achieved, albeit posthumously, almost legendary status for Stieg Larsson. Having previously delivered the manuscripts to his Swedish publisher, tragically the author died of a heart attack in 2004, aged just 50 and consequently he never witnessed th...
After finishing the first book I went immediately to the bookstore in order to buy the sequels. On the one hand I was really curious to figure out how to story would end, but on the other I was a little scared because the first book seemed rather closed for me. While The Girl Who Played with Fire fe...
Series: Millennium #1 I’m not sure how to describe this book. It was mystery and a thriller and I didn’t particularly like any of the characters, but I still had fun with it. I know I complained about it at about the 80% mark but it did finish off with a more upbeat resolution so I think I can con...
POKOCHAŁAM TĄ książkę od pierwszych stron. Już na samym początku bowiem pojawia się tajemnica, która czeka na rozwiązania. Opisana jest w taki sposób, że aż chce się wiedzieć, o co chodzi. Więc czyta się dalej, i dalej, i dalej. Każdą zaś stroną coraz trudniej jest się oderwać od powieści. Aż 63% ...
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson So, wow. This was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I know that people either loved or hated this but I was in the "love" category. This was so convoluted, interesting, and gripping. I have to admit the beginning was a bit dry fo...
Deze vond ik nog beter dan het eerste deel!Waar je in het eerste boek er even in moest komen, begon dit boek meteen spannend.Ook heeft Lisbeth de overheersende rol in dit boek, wat ook logisch is, want zij is ook veel interessanter. Mikael is er natuurlijk ook nog, maar dit keer om Lisbeth te helpen...
DNF at 10%I might return to this one at a later time. It was just moving too slow for me to get into it right now. Maybe I'll give it a go when things slow down for me. But maybe not... life is short and there are so many more books to read, that don't require this much effort. We'll see.
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