by Susan Higginbotham
In choosing to write from the alternating perspectives of the Duke and Duchess of Buckingham, Kate Woodville and Harry Stafford, Higginbotham is able to bring a “personal” view to historical events during the reigns of Edward IV through Richard III. Additionally, seeing through Kate’s eyes gives a...
This book captured me with the dedication, "To those who died in 1483." I paused here considering what I already knew about this tragic year. Higginbotham uses a completely different method of sharing her theory on Richard III, telling the story from the points-of-view of Henry Stafford, the Duke of...
The Stolen Crown, by Susan Higginbotham, appealed to me because I wanted different perspective on Edward IV’s Queen, Elizabeth Woodville. Higginbotham selected one of my favorite perspectives from which to craft a historical fiction novel; the selection of living people who were peripheral figures ...
Read 80% and skimmed the rest. Maybe it was Kate apologizing to Harry for making him rape her. Maybe it was the fact that most of the book was really boring. No, I'm going to say it was the rape.
The author did a great job of not only drawing out the characters, but by building upon the story line always leaving the reader wanting more. She draws out the female characters, which shows how they could have used the behind the scenes ways to get their wants across, but also showing the relation...
Really 4.5 stars.
4.5 Stars. Interesting point of view and the first person narration didn't bother me like most do. Full review:
Ever since I read a review of Hugh and Bess I have wanted to read Higginbotham, so when I got the chance I jumped at it. And I am happy to say that I did the right thing.First of all I must say that she sure did an excellent job keeping all the different Edwards and Henrys and so on apart. I went i...
(4.5)The Stolen Crown begins is told from the alternating POV of Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham and his wife Katherine Woodville. Henry (Harry) was married as a young child to Katherine, younger sister of Elizabeth Woodville - Queen of England and wife to Edward IV (no small feat for those *gras...