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Stone and Anvil - Peter David
Stone and Anvil
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A crewman has been murdered aboard the U. S. S. Trident, and all evidence points to Ensign Janos of the Excalibur. Captain Mackenzie Calhoun is reluctant to accept that Janos, a powerful non-humanoid whom the captain has known and trusted for
A crewman has been murdered aboard the U. S. S. Trident, and all evidence points to Ensign Janos of the Excalibur. Captain Mackenzie Calhoun is reluctant to accept that Janos, a powerful non-humanoid whom the captain has known and trusted for
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9781451623291 (1451623291)
Publisher: Gallery Books
Pages no: 368
Edition language: English
Series: Star Trek: New Frontier 6 (#14)
Other editions (12)
Books by Peter David
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