by Harvey Chute
Synopsis: (from Goodreads) A ruthless murder and a stolen shipment of gold.At school, sixteen-year-old Nikaia Wales endures the taunts of bullies who call her a “half-breed.” At home, she worries about how her family will react if she reveals her growing feelings for the quiet boy next door.Those ar...
*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review. Nikaia Wales is a 16-yr-old girl living in the 1860s during the gold rush of British Columbia. She is half white and half native Indian and it’s not easy growing up a ‘mixed breed.’ But she has her family and her friends. ...
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. No other consideration was offered, expected or received. Nikaia is a "half-breed" (every time this was mentioned, I could hear Cher singing all about it) and there are a couple of bullies at school that remind her of this fact. Sh...