by Jill Shalvis
Strong and Sexy -- Jill Shalvis Book 2 of Sky High Air This second installment to the Sky High Air trilogy is definitely loads more enjoyable than the first. Jill Shalvis' humor and charm has its chance to shine in a much better fashion with a better set of main characters in Shayne and Dani.The...
Being a klutz works, but not when overdone. I was rolling my eyes at the amount of times Dani tripped over something. I expected her to be smart, but came off as an idiot of the time. Moving on. This is a light, fun read and what I was in the mood for.
I liked the story, the plot and action were good but it was the typical overcome the playboy persona and characters ruminated about their feelings too much. Klutzy zoologist finds herself in closet kissing pilot Shayne.
Again, the plot was a little thin, but the love-story was more believable than in the first 'Sky High Air' story.Likeable main characters, and the rest of the cast is good as well.