I am one of those readers who often enjoys the company of a number of authors and stories at anyone time. As well as reading "8 Church Field There's no place like home" I am also perusing" Bazaar of Bad Dreams" by Stephen King. There could be no greater comparison than these two stories and indeed t...
This is more of a pure horror, rather than thriller, so I think it would appeal mostly to horror fans who don’t mind plenty of gore.Cine got me thinking about how strange the human mind is. Why do some of us thrive on horror films/books, yet if we witness real life acts of violence we are shocked an...
In the end, I was disappointed with this collection. The frame story was completely awesome. I was not expecting pretty much anything that I read. The following stories, painted as "case files," were almost invariably a letdown. Quite a few of them deviated from theme and were absolutely not beli...