Suburban Freak Show
Jay is deeply cynical, delightfully disturbed and stuck in the suburbs with a fanatical greenie. It's her first year of uni and it doesn't take long to realise a massive IQ won't save her from exposure to nuts, morons and extreme headbangers. When life starts drawing her into the tunnel vision of...
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Jay is deeply cynical, delightfully disturbed and stuck in the suburbs with a fanatical greenie. It's her first year of uni and it doesn't take long to realise a massive IQ won't save her from exposure to nuts, morons and extreme headbangers. When life starts drawing her into the tunnel vision of environmental hippie-dom, she finds herself headed towards the protest rave party from hell, staged to save a little bit of forest heaven from development. Jay has no intention of getting her feet dirty, let alone digging a bush latrine, but when the party is over, guess who is left holding back the bulldozer.
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Format: audiobook
Publish date: 2006
Publisher: Louis Braille Audio
Minutes: 315
Edition language: English