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So wow. Still important look at living in the "projects". Part of the entertainment is watching the author be brave enough to chronicle his own mistakes in his study, but it is a great in depth look.
first covered in Freakonomics, Venkatesh is a grad student who wandered into a top Chicago crack gang and then ended up covering their story over seven years. incisively written, a good ending, and nice unity of prose.knew a u/chicago guy who once allowed a gang member to sleep over in the lounge fi...
This is a really good overview of gang life in Chicago's projects and of the political and social corruption that exist all over Chicago to this day.I recommend this book to everyone - especially people who grew up privileged and sheltered, and people who say ignorant things like "you should have to...
I liked this book, even though it was extremely distressing. It left me with a powerful and lingering sense of "Now what?" I plan to read more about other housing projects and then see what I can do to get involved.
If you're somewhat politically aware and concerned about urban issues, much of this book will not be new to you. It is, however, a great way to acquire better, more useful terminology as well as a conceptual framework for thinking about the entrenchment of a certain type of poverty. Plus, it's an et...