"Never Ceese"... Is the title supposed to be a play on words or just a plain, old typo? What am I missing?
This book offers a lot of surprises and interesting angles on vampiricism and lycanthropy. The wife of a minister in early 19th century Wales is working in the garden of her home one day when she is accosted by a man who rapes her and subsequently takes on the form of a wolf before her eyes and a...
Just as with Never Ceese, I enjoyed the over all story but had a hard time getting past the fact that the characters seem juvenile, and the story was overcrowded with minor characters that really didn't add much to it. To me there wasn't enough distinction between them. I had to keep trying to remem...
If I could give it 2 1/2 stars that's what it would get. I liked the story but Sue Dent is not the best writer. Sometimes her characters come across as immature. There is too much bickering amongst them. I had to constantly remind myself that these were adults I was reading about, not little kids.