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Sunshine - Community Reviews back

by Robin McKinley
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WhiskeyintheJar Romance
WhiskeyintheJar Romance rated it 8 years ago
What I can only assume is a superb April Fools joke by the book gods, my first themed book for April Singles turned out to be an actual Non-series book (if you aren't as obsessed with my life as I am, usually during this theme I laugh, groan, and joke how all the books I pick for this turn out to be...
Hot Stuff for Cool People
Hot Stuff for Cool People rated it 10 years ago
One of those books that I tend to just read over and over... And it's not usually my kind of book, but I really did love it. My full review is here, on Hot Stuff for Cool People.
 ~*Krissys Bookshelf Reviews*~
~*Krissys Bookshelf Reviews*~ rated it 10 years ago
I'm giving Sunshine three stars and honestly can't say why. Probably because its between 1-5 and I can't decide if I really liked the book or really hated it. Sunshine made me feel like I'd been inside the mind of a mad scientist lost somewhere in psychosis. I'm not sure if I should be impressed or ...
The More I Read. . .
The More I Read. . . rated it 10 years ago
'I never heard them coming. Of course you don't, when they're vampires.' This isn't the opening line in Sunshine by Robin McKinley, but it is the statement that heralds the beginning of Sunshine's journey from professional baker at Charlie's Coffeehouse to someone ... different. Here is where we b...
moving under skies
moving under skies rated it 10 years ago
At first I was rapturously excited about Sunshine. At last!, I thought, I had found a suitably smart alternative to the despicable Twilight, a similar-but-better book I could recommend to vampire-crazed customers to ease them into reading superior fantasy. The titular heroine is capable with a varie...
Listening to the Silence
Listening to the Silence rated it 11 years ago
Rae Seddon, Sunshine to those who know her, lives in a world where one has to be careful of the Others. Sure there are your Weres and Demons, but the Vampires are the real source of fear. When she heads to the lake for some downtime, she doesn't figure she has anything to worry about, after all ther...
bafahl rated it 11 years ago
I know I read this many moons ago. Can't remember too much about it, other than the impression that it felt like a struggle to get through it. Not giving any star rating, not because it was so bad it deserved zero stars, but because I really can't remember anything about it (maybe that says somethin...
susanvoss18 rated it 11 years ago
This is one of my favorite books and it was so great to revisit it in audio format. She’s an average person, a baker, who finds herself in the middle of vampire turf war. Messy. Yeah, that really sums up a lot of it. But there is a lot more going on in this world that McKinley created. The SOF suits...
Corroborative Detail
Corroborative Detail rated it 11 years ago
When I picked up Sunshine for the first time and realized that Robin McKinley had written a vampire novel, I was almost horrified: it seemed a far cry from Damar and retold fairy tales, and vampire novels are certainly not usually my thing. But McKinley is easily one of my top ten favorite writers, ...
Lisa (Harmony)
Lisa (Harmony) rated it 12 years ago
I slogged through the Twilight Saga pulling my hair but persisting partly out of wanting to understand the phenomenon and partly out of the same spirit people stare at train-wrecks. A friend recommended this novel as an antidote, and in many ways it proved to be--the contrasts and comparisons readin...
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