by Alan Moore
Genre: Superhero / Action / Adventure Year Published: 1985 Year Read: 2013 Series: Superman Publisher: DC Comics Introduction: There were many comics during the 1980s that really helped redefine the comic book industry, such as Frank Miller’s classic “Batman” story, “Batman: The Dark Kni...
Go figure I like the Superman comic that's written by Alan Moore... Absolutely loathe Superman, but great collection here.
This story is probably three or four steps removed from being in continuity, but it is a fitting final story for the Superman of Earth 1. Mr Mzyzptlk gets a horrendous upgrade, but the story is ultimately about maintaining self-control and not giving in to despair. I especially love that Curt Swan...
I'm sorry I don't find Superman more interesting, you guys.
This story, which ended the continuity of the original (pre-1986) Superman, deserves to be known as the better Superman death story. It's more mature and more intelligent, without page after page of Superman and a supervillain pounding each other. It's actually sadder and more full of death than the...