by C.S. Lewis
I might not have been surprised by joy as I read this book - it was far to factually autobiographical for me, and not what I expected - but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed parts of it. Both Lewis's description of his childhood education (and the hotbed of homo-eroticism that private boys-onl...
Like so many others, I greatly enjoyed the Narnia series when I was growing up. I read it for fun and had no idea that it was a Christian allegory until I was an adult. While my daughters enjoyed them (one has read them at least four times) they disappointed me somewhat as an adult. However, I have ...
It is a little difficult to categorise this book since while in part it is an autobiography, Lewis goes to great pains to exclaim otherwise. One could also suggest that it falls into a category of Christian literature known as a testimony: a story that is told by the author as to how they became a C...
What an eye opener! When he describes what happened to the "pretty" boys at English public schools - yikes! Very good book about his life and how he came to know Christ.
"Surprised by Joy" este autobiografia intelectuala a lui C.S. Lewis si prezinta trecerea lui de la crestinismul din copilarie la ateism, la teism si apoi la un crestinism matur. In prima parte a cartii descrie copilaria in Irlanda, relatia cu tatal si fratele lui, apoi diversele scoli si internate p...
I somehow mixed this book up with the one he wrote about his wife (wasn't her name Joy?), so it took awhile to get into the proper mindset when I discovered it wasn't the book I thought it was. Even so, I wasn't terribly impressed by it. As wonderful a writer as C.S. Lewis usually is, he just couldn...