by Primo Levi, Stuart J. Woolf, Philip Roth
One of the strongest and most powerful books on the Holocaust, a priceless historical document, and a devastating book focused on a simple, terrible philosophical question. As the original title asks: Is this a man?Featured in my Top 5 20th Century Italian Novels:
Okay, okay, if I read one more Holocaust book, this should be it.
On a parfois l'impression qu'il émane de l'histoire et de la vie une loi féroce que l'on pourrait énoncer ainsi : "Il sera donné à celui qui possède, il sera pris à celui qui n'a rien."
I'm at a loss for words. Read this.
I deeply believe that no one can finish this book and leave unscathed. Primo Levi's one year experience in Auschwitz is one of those tales of survival that puts in perspective everything in your life; every notion of discomfort and pain, and every thought on humanity.On "If This is a Man" Levi descr...
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