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Susan Forest
Three-time Prix Aurora Award finalist, Susan Forest is a writer of sciencefiction, fantasy and horror, and a freelance fiction editor. Her stories have appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, Analog Science Fictionand Fact, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Tesseracts, AE Science Fiction Review,OnSPEC... show more

Three-time Prix Aurora Award finalist, Susan Forest is a writer of sciencefiction, fantasy and horror, and a freelance fiction editor. Her stories have appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, Analog Science Fictionand Fact, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Tesseracts, AE Science Fiction Review,OnSPEC Magazine, and The Urban Green Man, among others. Her collection ofshort fiction, Immunity to Strange Tales, was published by Five RiversPress. Susan acted as judge for the Endeavour Award, and theRobin Herrington Memorial Short Story Contest, and she contributes toCalgary's annual literary festival, When Words Collide. Susan is alsoSecretary for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).She teaches creative writing at the Alexandra Centre, and has appeared atnumerous local and international writing conventions.
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Tannat rated it 10 years ago
As usual with short stories, only a few were interesting. Quite a few here were dull, frankly. I only read it for John Park's Nightward, really (it landed squarely in the interesting bucket btw). Heat Death (Patrick Johanneson), Flight of Passage (Jon Martin Watts), and One Nation Under Gods (Jer...
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