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Susan J. Wolfson
Susan J. Wolfson's Books
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Community Reviews
All the World's a Page
All the World's a Page rated it 12 years ago
This epic mockery, Byron writWith excellent recourse to wit,passion, war, and sharp satires:Though by the end it tires.We follow our hero, quite Byronic,on adventures soaked ironic,If you thought you knew Don JuanFor Byron's hero is a now one.In Seville, with Julia loveAlight'd on his heart: a dove(...
Edward rated it 12 years ago
Introduction & NotesTable of DatesFurther ReadingA Note on This Edition--A Fragment ('When, to their airy hall, my fathers' voice')--To Woman--The Cornelian--To Caroline ('You say you love, and yet your eye')--English Bards and Scotch Reviewers: A Satire--Lines to Mr Hodgson (Written on Board the Li...
Edward rated it 12 years ago
Introduction & NotesTable of DatesFurther ReadingA Note on This Edition--A Fragment ('When, to their airy hall, my fathers' voice')--To Woman--The Cornelian--To Caroline ('You say you love, and yet your eye')--English Bards and Scotch Reviewers: A Satire--Lines to Mr Hodgson (Written on Board the Li...
Manny Rayner's book reviews
Manny Rayner's book reviews rated it 26 years ago
Byron's famous verse-novel is kind of uneven, but when he's on form it's both moving and witty. My favorite sequences are near the beginning, when the beautiful Donna Julia has fallen in love with young Juan and is having qualms of conscience. First she decides that she can no longer continue to see...
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