Inhaltsangabe Die erschütternde Kindheit einer großen Autorin Das Kind ist hochsensibel und extrem schüchtern. Hübsch ist es auch nicht. Vom Bruder fast sadistisch gequält, von den Eltern weitgehend vernachlässigt – Susanna Tamaros Triester Kindheit ist alles andere als glücklich. Was das junge Mädc...
What a sweet, enchanting story! The language in Il grande albero is clear and poetic. When describing birds flying south for the winter, Tamaro writes, "The birds had left their nests to meet the adventure of life." Later in the book, the fir tree is called a "grand, green cathedral." There were man...
This is a sweet little story translated from Italian. Parts of it were really tender and enjoyable, but there were a few parts that were a bit dull. As I recall, the best parts are earlier in the book. "Happiness is to joy, as an electric light bulb is to the sun. Happiness always has an object--...