Felix has finally arrived at the school of his dreams. With a great French immersion program, his mother’s lies and their home on wheels, Felix can now take advantage of this opportunity. Reconnecting with Dylan, a previous great friend who now attends the school, the two boys are quite the team. An...
I liked the realness of this novel. From the subject matter, to the honesty of the characters, to the characters themselves, I could see this novel being played out right before in my eyes as I read it. Violet’s father has had an affair and moves out, leaving his two daughters and his wife behind....
Es wird ganz schön schwierig, über dieses Buch zu schreiben, ohne schon zu viel zu verraten! Deswegen möchte ich zur eigentlichen Handlung nicht viel mehr sagen als das, was man dem Klappentext entnehmen kann: der 13-jährige Henry hat etwas unglaublich Traumatisches erlebt, das seine ganze Familie q...
I loved how the author allowed us to see the situation from two totally different perspectives. Stewart looked at the world literally, his voice was honest and open. You never wondered what he had to say or how he viewed the world because he spoke openly and held nothing inside. Stewart knew he wa...
Stewart and Ashley have some sharp edges when We Are All Made of Molecules begins. This is fitting for the straight-lines and squares and rectangles (or, should that be hexagons and octagons? no spoilers here!) they inhabit when readers meet them. But the contents swell and those edges are smoot...
Although their characters were completely cliché Stewart and Ashley were great in their own ways. I loved how much they both grew by the end of the book. I actually think that my favorite character was Stewart’s mom. All the flashbacks made her seem like she was such an amazing mother. Funny, too. O...
Imagine being twelve and not having any friends, and the highlight of your week is playing Scrabble with your mother. Welcome to the world of Ambrose, the boy who loved words but just didn’t fit him. His mother kept a short leash on him as she’s overly protective; always fearing the worse will emerg...
I really really loved this book. I thought Henry was an amazing and utterly convincing 14 year old. I'm the oldest of three and Nielsen made me cry as she described the relationship between Henry and his older brother Jesse. Just a warning, I've got spoilers from here on out! I've got a bit of a com...
I always worry when it comes to reading "topic" books that they are going to be preachy, because, well, a lot of the time they are. This MG/young YA book is about bullying but after having read it, I can't recommend it enough. While definitely an intelligent and genuine look at the subject, it's tol...
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