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The GoodThe political themes. The premise and blurb promised a book filled with thought-provoking ideas: mob mentality, the overwhelming presence of technology in every aspect of our lives, the use of digital information, privacy. This book had so much potential and the points it tried to make felt ...
This was so boring i had to physically force myself to read it. So boring i had to keep my eyes open Clockwork Orange style.So, so badly written that i didn't understand how it was published. Fast paced - too fast paced. What? What happened? She's hiking in a forest? I thought she was in school? Wha...
Overall: I loved the idea of this book. I can totally see humans coming up with a "bar-code" tattoo to make things easier. I don't see the government messing with them, though. The idea was awesome. My issue was that it was a typical dystopian type of book. I was hoping for something new and differe...
I haven't read this book for a long time, perhaps even five years, but it has stuck with me for all of that time, since I first read this as a young teen.The possibilities that this book describes are terrifying.
The dystopian conditions were very well described and I enjoyed the progression of the story, although towards the end it started losing pace and some elements were unnecessary (without offering any spoilers). Still, a good afternoon read and a definite must for younger adults who should know about ...