Sven Nordqvist
Birth date: 1946-04-30
Sven Nordqvist's Books
Anne Perry: A Christmas Guest The third book in Anne Perry's series of Christmas novellas, each one of which has as their protagonist one of the supporting characters from Perry's main series (William Monk, and Charlotte & Thomas Pitt). This installment's starring role goes to Charlotte Pitt's vin...
Started to read this morning to my friend's son, but he already knew it by heart, so finished it for myself :)
A charming Swedish children's book about depression. Pettson is an eccentric farmer who lives alone with his manic cat Findus - there is a whole series, and one can safely assume that this won't be the first time the reader has met them. Usually Pettson is no worse than grumpy and a little out of it...
Read it as a kid in the early 1990s...
read it as a kid in the early 1990s.