by Ilona Andrews
Title: Sweep of the Blade Series: Innkeeper Chronicles #4 Author: Ilona Andrews (Narrator: Natalie Naudus) Genre: Urban Fantasy - Science Fiction - Romance Publisher: NYLA Release Date: September 18th 2019 Format: Audiobook Pages: 8 hours and 53 minutes Source: Bought Listening Length: 8 hours ...
Update: Read the published full length novella and oh boy. I loved it. I loved it! I loved that Ilona Andrews gave us Maud's POV at the beginning, prior to her going off with Arland to his House's planet. We get to see how she carried herself more prior to Dina finding her and Helen. We also get to ...
Only Ilona Andrews could make me like a book in spite of the science fiction setting. Of course, she lured me in with a story that started as a traditional-ish paranormal tale involving magic and werewolves, and it all took place on good old Earth; it wasn't until this book that the series becomes ...
Maud is one amazing woman. Wonder Woman wishes she was as tough. Maud, the Innkeeper's sister, was dumped on a planet that is used as a home for the unwanted, unwashed and vicious of the universe. She's not alone, they dumped her her 5 year old daughter and her excommunicated vampire husband. The hu...
With the readers getting a chapter a week on the authors' website, it was something wonderful to look forward to and I'm so sad it ended. Loved, loved, loved it!
The Epilogue has been posted and the story ended with an epic surprise!What a pleasure it was to read this book every week in Ilona Andrew's newsletter!
Wonderful! The Innkeeper Chronicles books are becoming a favorite of mine. This free novella released on Ilona Andrew's website gave us a look at Dina's sister Maud. We heard some of which Maud had to endure in the last book, this one shows us though why she is so reluctant to give in to loving Arla...
Currently reading in installments on their blog....! What an awesome present every Friday. I'm shocked reading through some of the "reviews" that were based on a part of the chapter condemning it to some version of what they think it will be. Haha. Talk about jumping to usual, the A...