by Deborah Levy, Tom McCarthy…She was not ready to go home and start imitating someone she used to be…All these suspects on holiday together sharing a villa, a pool, and the rambling grounds of the estate surrounding them are not who they appear to be. The...
Kitty takes fourteen year old Nina pony riding. I'm not sure why, really, as it seems a little unlikely (Nina is fourteen going on twenty, and not the horsy sort). But there's rather a lot of the unlikely here, so all par for the course. Anyway, it provides us with this memorable scene: (Kitty) was...
I can appreciate why this book would appeal to others, but it really just wasn't my cup of tea. The writing is poetic and the hallucinations and descriptions of mental instability are artful. I appreciate and understand that this novel is a bit like a Suzanne Vega song. It resonates dreams and po...
Swimming Home was kindly provided to me by Netgalley for Bloomsbury USA."Life is only worth living because we hope it will get better and we'll all get home safely." After spotting this on Netgalley I found myself intrigued but ultimately willing to wait for it to be published. A few days later the ...
The characters were flat, undifferentiated. They were faceless to me, doing nothing, being nothing, but somehow permeating the book with their unspoken whining. Intensely irritating. They all melted together as an amorphous mass of indecipherable...nothingness. I am so done with this book.
blurb - When beautiful Kitty Finch lands in the middle of what seems a conventional holiday set up - two couples, one teenage daughter and a villa in the south of France - no-one quite knows the effect she will have, though at once the ground shifts. In the fierce heat of July, fissures yawn open, p...
I thought the writing in this book was jaw-droppingly amazing in places. I note that it is in the sbortlist for the Man Booker Prize this year.