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Sydney Croft
Erotic Romance
Sydney Croft's Books
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Community Reviews
mlsimmons rated it 8 years ago
Review originally posted at RabidReads.com. If you’re not familiar with ACRO series, ACRO is the Agency for Covert Rare Operatives. They are a group of people with superhuman abilities. Many of them are former military and the ones that aren’t have a military like training at ACRO. I’ve...
mlsimmons rated it 9 years ago
Review originally posted at RabidReads.com. I’ve really been enjoying this series. It has taken me a while to work my way through the series, but I’ve really been enjoying it. It is sorta of a take on the X-Men. There are people with special abilities of all different kinds. There are d...
mlsimmons rated it 10 years ago
Review originally posted at RabidReads.com. I continue to enjoy this series. It is a pretty erotic PNR that hints at X-Men. There is also a ton of action and suspense that goes on in this series. In this one, Ms. Croft (who is Larissa Ione and Stephanie Tyler), has more than just the ...
DayDreamer rated it 10 years ago
It was all right but I was not convinced of the menage. And Devlin was barely there and far too one-dimentional.
mlsimmons rated it 10 years ago
Review originally posted at RabidReads.com. While I enjoyed the first book in this series, I really loved this visit back into the world of ACRO (Agency for Rare Covert Operatives). ACRO is an organization very similar to the X-Men. Somewhat military group where people have different ...
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